Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The 2010 LOST Calendar Is Rather Generic But Still a Treat for Fans

In less than a month, the sixth and final season of LOST will begin. As the mind-warping island drama is my favorite TV series, not only of the moment but probably ever, I knew I would have to snag the LOST calendar for the third year in a row. I regret missing out on the first two calendars - only I don’t regret it that much, since the intense care that is lavished upon the series is not put into the calendars. Nonetheless, I certainly intend for us to have one of these characters on our living room wall as we watch the remaining episodes.

As with past calendars, the 2010 edition’s cover shot showcases the whole cast, and in this case, it’s rather creatively done. The photo attached to this listing is actually the cover of the 2009 calendar. The 2010 cover has two photos, side by side, with no border in between. Both feature the same ominous bluish-gray backdrop. On the left, against a bleak, industrial-looking cityscape, are Ben Linus, Sayid Jarrah, Kate Austen, Jack Shepard, Sun Kwon, Hugo “Hurley” Reyes and Desmond Hume. The middle five are members of the Oceanic Six, who returned to Los Angeles after three and a half months away to much fanfare. Ben and Desmond, meanwhile, made quieter entrances, and few in the outside world have any inkling that they spent time on the same island as the famed castaways. Perhaps as a reference to how little he appears in the fifth season, Desmond is cut off by the edge of the photo.

Meanwhile, the photo on the right features John Locke, Charlotte Lewis, James “Sawyer” Ford, Juliet Burke, Daniel Faraday and Miles Straume standing on a grassy Island expanse. In season five, these Left-Behinders face the daunting task of figuring out why the Island is skipping around in time and how to stop it before they all die of time traveling sickness. It almost seems John, who eventually makes his way to the mainland in an effort to bring Jack and the others back, ought to stand in the middle, with one foot in both photos, but that would require a bit of shuffling, both to avoid him covering Desmond up entirely and to make the right side more even with the left. At the very least, ageless Richard Alpert could have been featured on the right side; he has a role in more fifth-season episodes than Desmond does. It also might have been nice to include a representative from Dharma’s heyday, as that plays a major part in this season; I’d nominate hippie-ish leader Horace Goodspeed. Oh, and why is Jin completely missing?

The first page of the calendar, featuring four miniature calendar pages for September through December of 2009, includes a more traditional cast photo that nonetheless incorporates elements from both the city and the Island. All 13 characters pictured on the front also appear here. Throughout the calendar, the top portion of the two-page spread includes photographs that spill into the lower portion, leaving about two-thirds of the lower page for the grid itself. The background color on each page is a shade of brown that darkens around the edges, while the squares containing the dates are a very light shade of khaki. Each calendar grid also features a watermark of a generic DHARMA patch. As before, I bemoan the lack of LOST-specific details. I would think it would be very easy to add, in tiny print, “Season Six Begins” to the square for February 2 or Oceanic 815 Crashes (2004) on September 22. Additionally, the calendar is entirely devoid of quotes or trivia of any kind, even in the upper portion with the photographs.

The general feel of this calendar is similar to 2009’s, though the look is slightly different, as that one had each month set up like the Dharma monitoring station. The pictures this time around are a bit bigger, but again, there are just two photos per page, with the exception of one month, which I’ll get back to. For eleven of the twelve months, it’s one particular character per month. At least one of the photos is a publicity shot, while the other is sometimes a still from one of the episodes.

January is Jack’s month, and I’d say both of his are posed, with the larger one showing him standing against a leafy background and the smaller one showing him sitting in the same set used for the four-month group photo. February features Jin, with the large photo a leafy publicity shot and the second a photo of him looking forlorn and somewhat bedraggled against an ocean backdrop, probably coming from his sojourn with Danielle Rousseau’s science team. March shows John standing, smiling, against a backdrop that looks like the Orchid station, making his publicity shot the most interesting of the bunch. Similarly, his smaller photo has a grungy-looking John wandering through the jungle, a pack slung over his shoulder.

Ben, for April, is the first character whose unposed photo is the larger of the two. Ben, too, is wandering through the jungle with a pack over his shoulder. We only see him from the shoulders up, so the gun sticking out of his pack is clearly visible, as is the chest hair I never noticed before. Ben’s publicity shot, like John’s, looks similar to the cast photo, but it looks like he is in a cozy house, perhaps his home in Otherville. Sayid, in May, has a big publicity photo of him amongst the trees and a smaller one of him looking startled amidst the weeds, probably from his first on-Island season five episode. Juliet’s jungle-backdrop publicity shot is the larger of the June photos, while the smaller features her in the jungle, staring ahead with a disdainful expression.

Sun, wearing a cut-off t-shirt that shows how much her character has changed since her conservative early-season-one days, is set against a blurry brown backdrop in July; it seems like the jungle, but I don’t detect any green. Her smaller shot is similar to Ben’s, perhaps a hint of the importance of Ben’s old house to their season-five development. In August, Hurley stands, hands in pockets, against airplane wreckage with the ocean visible in the background. Again, this is one of the more interesting publicity shots. He also has perhaps the best screenshot - of him in the midst of his welcome to the Dharma Initiative. An indistinct character is fuzzily visible in the background, but it’s cropped in close around Hurley’s head and shoulders, just low enough to show us his Dharma chef patch, along with the lei and seashell necklace recently bestowed upon him. Upon his face is a soulfully wistful expression.

September is the one month that deviates from the pattern by presenting mid-sized publicity shots of Miles, Charlotte and Daniel (who, ironically enough, are the only featured characters who weren‘t on the Island in September of 2004). To emphasize the connection between the two characters, Dan and Charlotte each stand against a beige wall near a window as vines creep around them. Miles’ photo has him standing alone by the shore, next to a curtain and a very bright light bulb, which I’m guessing is in some way representative of his odd Ghost Whisperer ability.

But maybe not, since Kate gets the same backdrop in her larger photo for October. The smaller photo shows her with her more sedate post-Island look, most likely engaged in conversation with Cassidy, Sawyer’s old flame. November’s big photo is Desmond against the ocean, a publicity shot that I’m pretty sure has turned up in a previous LOST calendar, while the smaller is yet another publicity shot showing him in the beige, vine-laden room. Finally, the most seasonally-inappropriate of the bunch is Sawyer for December. I think the larger photo, set against a blurry green jungle background, is a publicity shot, but it’s possible this was a screencap; it has less of a posed look to it than the others do. I imagine there are a lot of people wishing the smaller photo, showing Sawyer bewildered and shirtless in the season premiere, were the main photo of the month, in spite of how summery the picture looks.

These are nice photographs, and most LOST fans should be moderately pleased. Nonetheless, I can’t help thinking it seems just a little skimpy. For one thing, I find publicity photos rather boring in comparison with in-the-moment shots. I would have preferred more of the latter. And considering how important side characters are to the overall series, it would be nice if, instead of featuring two photos of each person solo, there were a photo showing that character with a more minor but still-significant character. Frankly, I wish both photos would be that way, so we could have, for instance, Sawyer presenting Juliet with a flower and conversing with the grossly underused Rose and Bernard; Hurley pelting Ben with a Pizza Pocket and reluctantly explaining to Miles his intention to send George Lucas his tweaked reconstruction of the script of The Empire Strikes Back; Desmond sailing blissfully with Penny and little Charlie and raging against Daniel’s mother. This is a celebration of season five, and I could have used a little more specificity. A few quotes would have been a very nice touch as well. Perhaps whoever put together this calendar wanted to avoid spoilers, but it seems to me that at this point, anyone who’s a big enough fan to want a calendar would be caught up by now.

Despite my mild disappointment with the generic nature of some of these photos and the lack of quotes and trivia, I’m happy to have my LOST calendar for the year. I just bought it a couple days ago, and I expect most people will be able to find one if they go out looking in the next week or two, and for a reduced rate at that. So if you expect your year to include a lot of LOST, why not use this calendar to help you mark the months?

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