Thursday, July 9, 2009

Give Your Dog Some Style With the Tie-Dyed, Smiley Face Bandana

I've never been all that big on putting clothing on my pets. I'll pass a dog-walker with a Yorkshire Terrier or a Cocker Spaniel snugly dressed in a doggie sweater, and I'll think, "Awww, how cute." But I'll also think, "My dog would never put up with that." And don't even get me started on what my cats would do if I attempted such a thing. Still, I've been known to occasionally subject Mokey, a midsized mutt who is part Husky / Akita and part Basset Hound / Beagle, to Halloween costumes, if only for a few minutes, and silly hats or unwanted plush passengers. While her tolerance for such adornments is limited, there is one type of accessory that she does not object to whatsoever. Mokey loves to wear bandanas.

I couldn't tell you just when we discovered this. I have a feeling that it may have been one of the times we took her to be groomed by my aunt; perhaps she walked away with a souvenir bandana, and once we saw how well she wore it, we bought her others. We've now amassed a small collection, including a St. Patrick's Day bandana, a 4th of July bandana and a snowflake bandana. She doesn't seem to have any preference among them, but my favorite is the tie-dyed one adorned with peace signs and smiley faces. She's wearing it now, since it has such a vibrant, summery look to it. And, of course, it makes me think of hippies. It strikes me as something that would have been worn to Woodstock. The bandana may be physically square, but in the less literal sense of the word, it's all hip and not square at all. Heck, I'm tempted to borrow it from her sometime.

This particular bandana has been resting around Mokey's neck for several weeks. It's probably past due for a change; we should have switched it out for the flag bandana a couple weeks ago. But while it may be looking a little dingy at the moment, the colors still shine through, and if we toss it in the wash, they'll come out brighter than ever. The fabric is light but sturdy. Mokey's worn it for days on end, but there's no sign of fraying. I fold it into a triangle and over a couple of times, and it must be comfortable because every time she sees me with a bandana in hand, she rushes over and seats herself in front of me, patiently waiting for me to tie it around her neck. Or maybe she just likes to show off...

Mokey is a very photogenic dog, and just as I find that silly hats make pictures more fun, I think the bandanas add a certain light touch to the pictures I take of her. That's especially true of this bandana, which looks terrific on her outside in the bright sunshine. If you have a moderately patient dog, I recommend bandanas in general and the hippie bandana in particular. For a couple of bucks, the fun goes a long way!

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