Saturday, March 25, 2000

Is That Halo On Straight?

Hey, kids: Have you ever felt like the adults around you just don't understand you? This was a big problem for the youngster in The Littlest Angel, a small boy who had just recently died and gone to Heaven. Heaven was such a big, serious place, and this Littlest Angel always seemed to be getting into mischief. All the bigger angels complained about his antics, and he was sent to the Understanding Angel, who realized that the Littlest Angel was lonely and homesick. The kindly angel made a special trip to Earth to retrieve a battered box that contained all the Littlest Angel's most precious treasures. Once he got the box, the Littlest Angel was happy, and he didn't get into trouble so often.

Then there was a special announcement that God would be sending His Son to Earth, and every angel was instructed to come before the Throne of God to present a gift for the child. The Littlest Angel had nothing but his box of treasures, which was his most valued possession. He bravely decided to offer it to the Lord, but he was discouraged when he saw all of the fine gifts given by the other angels. With the incredible gifts that the big angels had to offer, what would God's Son possibly want with his shabby box?

But the beautiful conclusion to this tale is a reminder that it is not the size or value of the gift that matters, but the love behind it. This heartwarming story not only helps convince children that they have something important to offer, it reminds adults to be more understanding of children. A Christmas, and any-time-of-year, classic.

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