Thursday, March 9, 2000

Bridge Over Troubled Water

When ten-year-old Jess meets Leslie, the girl who has moved in next door, he isn't exactly thrilled. After all, he's been practicing all summer to be the fastest runner in the fifth grade, and she shows up and immediately beats him in a race. But she seems to understand him, and they soon form a tight bond of friendship that draws them together in their own little world. Entranced by Narnia and other such realms of fantasy, they decide to create their own kingdom: Terabithia.

In this sacred land just across the creek, Jess and Leslie are King and Queen, aided by Leslie's faithful pooch who was a Christmas gift from Jess. With this most wonderful secret between them, they are able to handle the trials of everyday life more easily. Leslie encourages Jess to pursue his artistic talents, which have been stifled by his practical parents.

But it is these abilities which lead Jess to embark on an adventure without his constant companion, not realizing that this is the first step in the most difficult journey of his life. And when he returns, Terabithia, which had been so close at hand before, now seems unreachable. It takes all the strength he can muster to bridge the rift that the tumultuous waters of fate have placed between himself and Leslie, but their friendship conquers death itself in the end to bring Jess the peace he so desperately needs.

Readers of any age will be moved by this beautifully written tale by Katherine Patterson. Bridge to Terabithia portrays the triumphs and trials of the two children with sensitivity and eloquence, and its touching treatment of death is sure to bring comfort to anyone, especially a child who is grieving his first loss.

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