Sunday, December 30, 2007

Will This Be the Last Christmas I Must Put Up With This Song?

If Christmas music were considered a genre unto itself, defined not by a particular style but by a common theme, I probably would have to count it as my favorite even though I only listen to it for about a month out of every year. I sometimes claim that I never met a Christmas song I didn't like. But this is a sugary lie. Oh, I've encountered them all right, and there are several I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley, or in a well-lit shopping aisle for that matter. There are some that make me cringe with the dawning of those first distinctive notes. And then I go ahead and sing along anyway. When it comes to music, sometimes hate is almost as good as love.

I hate Last Christmas. Okay, that's too strong a word. Heartily dislike. It induces reverse peristalsis more surely than a month-old fruitcake. Honestly, who thought this was a good idea? No, no, I mustn't say that, because Last Christmas was a smash, so the catchy tune obviously raked in a lot of money for WHAM!, who were gloriously spoofed in this year's Music and Lyrics, particularly in the song Pop! Goes My Heart, which I really hope gets a little love come Oscar time. But a spoof is one thing. Last Christmas certainly seems earnest to me, even if it originally was intended to be entitled Last Easter, which just strikes me as completely jarring, but I think I'd prefer it because you never hear Easter music on the radio and this song probably would have gotten lost in the shuffle.

I was listening to Delilah earlier this month, and a guy called in requesting this song as a dedication to his newfound girlfriend, citing the line "This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special." Bah.

First off, it seems like a really dumb dedication song since the addressee is the old girlfriend. Secondly, I despise that line because obviously the narrator thought that girl was "special" at the time. Moreover, it's clear that he still does, since his only purpose in having a new girlfriend seems to be to rub it in the face of girl number one, who judging by her reaction to his heartfelt confession last year probably couldn't care less. In fact, the more I listen to the song, the more I wonder if she ever was his girlfriend at all; maybe she was just some hottie he hit on in a bar unsuccessfully.

At any rate, I don't believe any of his claims that he's over her. "You'll never fool me again," he says at one point in the song, but earlier he indicates that he'd fall for her all over again if she just kissed him. New girl, watch out. If, in fact, you actually exist, which I seriously doubt. I hate to be so cynical, but Last Christmas is just about the whiniest song I've ever heard. This guy's more pathetic than the dishrag in Build Me Up, Buttercup who seems masochistically addicted to being manipulated, and that one's bounciness is much more tolerable than this one's yowling.

And then there's the little matter of the absent long "a" in "gave" and "save". I don't suppose George Michael can help his accent, but I sure find it irritating. And what, pray tell, is this "man undercover" stuff all about? Does this guy think he's James Bond or something? Because he most assuredly isn't, though maybe a lesson or two from Roger Moore could do him a bit of good.

I hope he isn't reading this review. I wouldn't want to send him into an emotional crisis. Ah, George... Maybe I'll have a change of heart next year.

Don't hold your breath.

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