Monday, December 3, 2007

Cheerios: These Little Os Are Oh So Good!

I'm not much of a morning person, so more often than not, I find that I don't make time for breakfast. But when I give myself those extra twenty minutes or so, few things get my day off to a better start than an overflowing bowl of Cheerios. Not honey nut, not frosted, not multi-grain. Berry Burst is all right for a diversion now and then, but nothing hits the spot quite like the plain old Os from that bright yellow box.

When I was little, my favorite snack in the whole world was Mom's special trail mix, which consisted simply of Cheerios, raisins and chocolate chips poured together into a little Tupperware container. Many a too-short lunch period was improved with this hearty treat. I've got a hankering right now just thinking about it.

Some might call my taste in cereal bland. I've never been too keen on the ones loaded with sugar and marshmallows. For me, it's always been Raisin Bran, Shredded Wheat, puffed rice and the like. But none of them quite matches the simple satisfaction of Cheerios, those itty bitty circles that used to find their way into all sorts of strange orifices: nostrils, our gristmill lamp, the tape recorder. Thankfully, the days of Cheerios-related disasters are long behind us, and they can be enjoyed for breakfast or as a quick snack any time of the day.

I'm not exactly the world's healthiest eater, so eating Cheerios has the added benefit of making me momentarily feel like a responsible muncher, even though I know it's not really true... All those commercials with cute kids declaring the heart healthiness of my favorite cereal haven't fallen of deaf ears. I may be unhealthily obsessed with cheese, but at least I've got Cheerios going for me!

One 20-ounce box of Cheerios is designed to last for about 20 servings, though I usually exceed the recommended serving size, so I wind up getting more than the 110 calories indicated by the nutritional information. I can live with that. The only bad part is that it means we run out faster, and at the moment our house is sadly lacking a big box of breakfast sunshine. Looks like a trip to the grocery store is in order!

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