Thursday, January 27, 2000

The Good Asparagus

It was Junior to the rescue in this Veggie video about loving your neighbor. In the story of Flibber-o-loo, a delightful Seuss-style rendition of the Good Samaritan, Larry is an unfortunate altruist who falls victim to three unruly thieves who take his milk money and leave him face down in a hole. He is first approached by his town's mayor and then by his town's doctor, but each is too busy to help. Then along comes Junior Asparagus, who, coming from the rivaling town of Gibberty-lot, has a pot on his head. He sees the shoe by Larry, which tells him that Larry is from Flibber-o-loo. After a small debate with himself, he rescues Larry and restores him to health.

In The Gourds Must be Crazy Junior is recruited to join Bob and Larry on a mission to save the U.S.S. Applepies, an Enterprise-like spacecraft threatened by a popcorn-ball meteor. They are greeted by Scooter (Scotty) and two gourds who love to eat and sing. Though Scooter is convinced that the gourds are crazy, Junior devises a plan that allows them to use their special skills to save the ship.

Great songs abound in this video, and even the Silly Song has a lesson to teach when Larry gives up his prized hairbrush so the Peach, who has hair, can use it. Every bit as good as the first one, Are You My Neighbor? teaches us that being different doesn't make us weird, all the while taking us on a rollicking ride of entertainment we won't soon forget.

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