Thursday, January 20, 2000

Still Here After All these Years

Just as children have grown up with Sesame Street for years, they have grown up with Mister Rogers as well. Just about everybody I know can sing at least part of his theme song. Very little has changed about the show in all the time it's been on. The show still begins with "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" and concludes with "you'll have things you'll want to talk about; I will too". Mister Rogers still takes off his shoes and sweater when he comes in and puts them on again when he leaves. He still makes a daily trip to Make-Believe Land. He still feeds his fish, which I would surmise are probably a dozen generations removed from the first fish Fred fed on the air. There is still an educational movie every show -- played on movie reels!

No, nothing much changes in Mister Roger's Neighborhood, and it's a nice safe haven for kids to retreat to. It's as good as it ever was. Mister Rogers does tend to be a bit...condescending, perhaps? Certainly with no disrespect intended to the children, of course, but older kids may find his tone to be a bit too much after a while. How many times can you hear that you're special in one show? Still, it's something kids need to hear, and if Mister Rogers is still willing to do the show after all these years, I say more power to him.

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