Thursday, January 20, 2000

Arthur the Aardvark

It took me a little while to figure just exactly what Arthur was. But long before I had conclusively determined that he was, indeed, an aardvark, I decided that I liked him. He's such a nice kid, and his everyday adventures are something that schoolchildren can easily relate to. Bullies, new classmates and pesky little sisters are just a few of the things that Arthur has to deal with as he goes through his day. He doesn't always get it right the first time, but eventually he learns how to face each obstacle that comes his way.

His furry friends add to the fun he finds out on the baseball diamond, in the classroom, and at home. They add a new dimension to his life which was first made popular through the books. Most of his friends are as hard to categorize as him. There's a rabbit, but other than that the species of the others are difficult to determine. I guess that just goes to show that it's what's on the inside, not the outside, that's important.

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