Am I addicted to Epinions? Well, to some degree I suspect I am, though
my answers to most of the questions below don't necessarily indicate
that. But I figured, what the hey. I'll join in and admit my addiction.
This is in response to jonnie's write-off prompt. I hope I'm with Epinions for many years to come!
1. Once you heard about Epinions, did you join?
Yep. Right away. I was looking for a place where I could write reviews,
and though I at first thought Epinions sounded to good to be true (back
in the glory days of 10 or 30 cents per hit), I was pleasantly
surprised to discover that the payments were legitimate, and I loved the
fact that I could just publish something without any middle man.
2. Once you joined, did the "wheels start turning" and the writer in you emerge?
Sort of, though in the beginning I was out to make a quick buck, and it
wasn't until the incentives were drastically reduced that the quality
of my reviews became consistently high. I wish I could have kept up the
quantity of that first year, but not at the expense of the quality of my
current output. At any rate, I've always wanted to be a writer, so
Epinions helps keep me in practice when my creativity is not
3. Do you find yourself sleeping less?
Ha. Well, I've always had a touch of insomnia... I don't know, I've
been here five and a half years. I don't know that it's changed my
habits all that much, but if I'm up in the middle of the night Epinions
is a good place to turn. And yeah, sometimes if I'm reading reviews I
may find that two or three hours have passed and I barely noticed.
Mostly I write reviews in the daytime, though.
4. Have you called in sick at work or quit your job altogether?
Because of Epinions? Not quite... I wish I made enough money here for it to qualify as an actual job!
5. Is your house a mess?
Depends on who you ask. I'm not much of a neatnik, so I don't notice if
things are out of order. Then again, I'm usually the one causing the
mess. But it has nothing to do with Epinions.
6. Have you developed PC spread? (your rear end is now hanging over the sides of your chair)
No, but I noticed I have put on a couple pounds this summer, and I've written quite a few reviews in that time...
7. If you haven't quit your job, do you find yourself pretending to be working, but you are really reading and writing epinions?
Can't at my job, but I always did in college and I probably would if I
could at work. Then again, maybe not. I always try to play by the
8. Do you see signs that your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/roommate has been there but you haven't really talked to them lately?
No, not really. I mostly do Epinions when nobody's around.
9. Are TV dinners what's on the menu again tonight?
Pizza! As for in general, my mom does the cooking around here, and the microwave is my friend when it comes to lunch.
10. Do you even get dressed anymore?
you found yourself shaking your heads in agreement to any of the above
questions, the answer is, yes, you are addicted. Me too; isn't it great?
Yes, it is!
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