Thursday, January 31, 2008

Don't Lose Track of the Date - Get the LOST Calendar!

Yes, that's right. I'm rising to new heights of dorkiness and reviewing the 2008 LOST calendar. After five years of working in a calendar kiosk, I suppose it's about time I showed a little love to the goods I keep hawking. Though I adore LOST, this is the first year I purchased the calendar. The first time around I was afraid of spoilers, and the second I just didn't grab one in time. But this year I'm prepared, and right now I have Jack staring out at me every time I walk in the living room, boldly declaring, "Nobody gets left behind!"

It's no surprise Jack is January, but the calendar doesn't focus disproportionately on Our Hero. February features Kate among the trees. March is Sawyer, which makes me laugh because my friend just told me he thinks that there is one particular line he says in which he always sounds Irish. In April, both John and Eko are on display, which is an interesting but logical choice since the two are such forceful characters whose destinies are deeply entwined.

It makes even more sense for Sun and Jin to be pictured together for May, and they look like a pair of vibrant spring flowers, she in a pink top, he in purple. In June, we get a close-up of Sayid, lost in an intense gaze. His eyes are perhaps the most arresting of all the characters, and the accompanying quote - "I am not a soldier anymore" - reminds us of all the pain that lies behind them. July is graced with an Aaronless Claire, only one month away from August's pensive Charlie. At this point it seems cruel to separate them, but I won't complain about having more of Charlie to pore over.

An insufficiently shaggy Desmond's hair is whipped about by the ill-fated winds of September. It's lovely to be able to stare at Desmond for a month, but even though I have this picture - albeit with a jungle backdrop instead of the ocean - as my desktop background, it seems out of place, since Desmond's hair hasn't been that short since the beginning of season two. Give the guy a beard already!

In October, Hurley's puppy dog eyes peek out from a face sunk into a sullen expression. I know our resident millionaire can't be happy all the time, but he possesses a certain joie de vivre that lights up the island, so it might have been nice to show a picture of him smiling. The year concludes with the Others, who we get to know so much better in the third season. Juliet is November, while lovably psychopathic Ben closes out the year, perhaps in honor of his birthday, or maybe because, as leader of the Others, he makes the perfect bookend to Jack.

Along with the full-page pictures, the bottom half of the calendar includes six small photos of the featured character, and these are generally a lot more interesting than the canned publicity shots. The cover shot, a green-drenched collage of characters, is fantastic too, and a border of jungle green surrounds both the photo and the calendar page for each month.

I wish there was a planner and page-a-day calendar for LOST, which would allow for much more pictures, along with trivia and quotes. I'd definitely snatch one of those up, but I've never seen one. Still, I'm satisfied with the wall calendar, on which Thursdays are not even marked because it's completely ingrained in my brain: 9:00 on Thursdays means LOST. I know right where I'll be.

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